Vas Péter wrote:
> Hello, everyone!
> I have a question about authpf. At my workplace we want to provide a
> time limited WiFi-access to our customers for money. Authpf might be a
> good solution, but I didn't find any information in authpf man page,
> pf.conf and google, how to set up a time limited access with authpf. It
> is possible to set up natively with some option, or authpf hasn't
> supported this function yet?

what exactly do you mean by "time limited access"?  Limited by time of
day, limit the length of sessions, or what?

If it is a time of day problem then you can use .nologin as Paul points
out or fiddle authpf.allow and have the cron job kill any copies of
authpf at the end of the time window.  Whether or not the latter will
work I don't know, it will depend on how authpf handles signals.  Given
that most OBSD programs go out of their way to handle sginals in a sane
manner the chances are that sending a HUP or an INT to pfauthd will
cause it to shutdown cleanly removing the rules from the anchor as it
does so.

Suck and see.

If you want to limit the time of individual sessions you can use a
similar approach of having a cron job that checks each session and kills
any that are over their time.


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