> On Jun 7, 2018, at 02:55, Gavin Flower <gavinflo...@archidevsys.co.nz> wrote:
> The Americans often seem to act as though most people lived in the USA, 
> therefore we should all be bound by what they think is correct!

I have to say that this seems like a red herring to me.

1. The CoC committee handles actual incidents involving real people.  It's not 
their job to boil the ocean and create a new world; they deal with the matters 
brought before them.  I have no reason to believe that they will not apply good 
sense and judgement to the handling of the specific cases.

2. I don't think that there is a country where someone being driven out of a 
technical community by harassment is an acceptable local value.

3. The only actual real-life example of a culture clash that I've seen offered 
up here is the ability to say "c*nt" on a technical mailing list about 
databases.  That seems a very strange and specific hill to choose to die on in 
this discussion.

-- Christophe Pettus

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