On 30.11.2007, at 02:34, Usama Dar wrote:

Have you looked at pgCluster

I project where the "latest news" page shows the newest entry from March 2005 and the install talks only about PostgreSQL 8.0 isn't really inspiring confidence ...

Continuent is very active, but it limits the servers to Linux, it seems it doesn't work on BSD or Mac OS X. At least, these are not listed on the product page for uni/cluster.

The lack of an integrated multi master clustering solution in PostgreSQL is the only real downside I can see. For me it is better to have something that is well integrated, functional and supported but only fits the needs for about 80% of the people in need for a multi master than having nothing and always pointing to very old or poor or commercial commercial solutions.

But that is just my personal view on that. I know that a multi master cluster is a very complex feature, but you can't always throw more (the existing solutions need AFAIK at least four servers to be redundant) or bigger hardware or expensive solutions if you only need load balancing but your app needs to be able to write to whatever server it is connected.

In that respect, I really like the solution in FrontBase, where you can do multi master with two servers, schema synchronization is included, you can connect or disconnect servers from the cluster at any time, it is fully transparent for the application, you just add more addresses to the JDBC connection string. This might not fit the needs for a couple of users, but it fits for the vast majority.

Personally I can live without a multi master solution for PG at the moment as I just use a different product if I need it and live with the downsides of said product (cost for Oracle and similar, less configuration options and lower performance with FrontBase, other problems with other DMBS).


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