On 01.12.2007, at 09:35, Ragnar Heil wrote:

WHich solution are you using now, Guido?

For the one installation we needed multi-master, we have FrontBase running.

PostgreSQL multi-master just wasn't "right" for us. Too much hardware needed to get real redundancy, the setup is too complex and didn't provide what we needed: multi-master replication with two machines for real redundancy not really performance (which is good enough with one simple, cheap server), load-balancing is done in the apps (we have instances connecting to one or the other server), automatic failover in case of one server goes down. If we want to bring it back up, it's a matter of some really simple commands and it synchronizes itself with the master, no copying of files, no complex scripting, no complex procedures at all.

Performance of one PostgreSQL server would be faster compared to that setup, at least for the load we have, as FrontBase seems to be getting slower with inserting in large tables with complex indexes. PostgreSQL index creation is way faster. There are also other annoying things we have seen, but overall the solution works fine.


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