On Tue, Jun 03, 2008 at 01:15:13PM -0700, aravind chandu wrote:

>         Microsoft sql server 2005
> cannot be shared on multiple systems i,e in a network environment when
> it is installed in one system it cannot be accessed one other
> systems.One can access only from a system where it is already installed
> but not on the system where there is no sqlserver.Is postgresql similar
> to sql server or does it supports network sharing i,e one one can
> access postgresql from any system irrespective on which system it is
> installed.

If you mean, "If I have a host A and a host B, and A has Postgres
running, can I connect from B and perform SQL on the data hosted on
A," then the answer is, "Yes, provided you have the necessary programs
to connect with."  If you mean, "If I have host A and host B, can both
A and B be simultaneous servers for the same database using shared
storage?" the answer is, "No."

Andrew Sullivan
+1 503 667 4564 x104

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