> Justin wrote:
> >
> >
> > aravind chandu wrote:
> > Hi,
> > >>  My question is
> > >>    Microsoft sql server 2005 cannot be shared on multiple systems
> > i,e in a network environment when it is installed in one system it
> > cannot be accessed one other systems.
> >
> >
> > This don't make any sense.  Are your taking about sharing the actual
> > mdb files or access the service itself???  This question is just
> > confusing.
> >
> >
> > Your Questions are confusing can you clarify
> > I'm guessing at what you mean???

> He's talking about having the raw database files on a file server (eg
> SMB share).  DB's like firebird and sqlite can handle this way of
> accessing the data using the embedded engines.

Active-active, multiple server databases are either a shared nothing or
a shared disk system.  Oracle, for instance is a shared disk system
where multiple database instances can connect to the same underlying
disk.  Greenplum, Teradata, and Netezza are examples of shared nothing



PostgreSQL does not have either a shared disk or shared nothing
architecture.  It is similar to SQL Server where replication and/or
failover is how you can get high availability.


Greenplum and EnterpriseDB are both based on PostgreSQL and use a shared
nothing architecture to achieve and active-active system.


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