Roberts, Jon wrote:
He's talking about having the raw database files on a file server (eg
SMB share).  DB's like firebird and sqlite can handle this way of
accessing the data using the embedded engines.

Active-active, multiple server databases are either a shared nothing or
a shared disk system.  Oracle, for instance is a shared disk system
where multiple database instances can connect to the same underlying

I'm not sure the point you are making. We have all our Oracle databases stored on a NetApp, so I think this is the kind of configuration you are discussing. However, each Oracle instance on a single server completely owns the files on the NetApp related to that instance. All Oracle instances on all servers share the same NetApp, but that's because it's just a big file server. In the event of a DB server failure, we can bring up the same instance on a backup DB server, but then *it* completely owns all files related to that instance. Only one instance can be accessing the files related to that instance at any point in time.

The same could be done with PostgreSQL. As I said, the NetApp is just a fileserver.

Guy Rouillier

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