I may be horriblly out of my element here but, I'm going to jump in anyway

If you mount a floppy and copy a large file to it, you will get a prompt
back fairly quickly.

If you type: sync right after

The sync command writes everything to the floppy as expected.


On Tue, 31 Oct 2000, markw wrote:

> "Gary Howland (During daytime)" wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Just a quickie - I heard that linux does not have a working fsync() call
> > (it has no concept of raw devices).  In other words, fsync cannot be used
> > to ensure that data is on disk (try it with a floppy - it returns IMMEDIATELY!!! - 
>long before the write finishes)
> Are you sure? Where is this information?
> > This is for ALL linuxes.
> >
> > Does this mean that postgres is unrealiable (or non ACID-conforming) under linux?
> >
> > Gary
> >
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