On 09/27/10 11:18 PM, novnovice wrote:
That's a surprising response. But it makes sense, at least as one
perspective. I have written light duty sync systems but figured that there
would be some battle tested postgresql solution that was more robust than I
could cobble together. As in, if I invest 40 hours learning replication
system X, I'd be further along than if I'd invested the same 40 hours
writing my own system from scratch. It's not simple stuff. It would still be
good to eval whatever canned solutions are out there. I have googled this
topic of course; among the candidates none seemed to be a great match up
with what I hoped to find.

the general case of asynchronous offline replication fundamentally breaks one of the tenets of SQL, that COMMIT only returns true if the data is validly and reliably committed to the "Truth".

multimaster databases create a lot of problems for which there are no good answers that don't compromise data integrity. delaying the synchronization by indeterminate intervals via offline updatable replicas aggravates this enormously

btw, I don't speak for the 'postgresql community', i'm just s database user who happens to be on this list.

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