On Tue, 2010-09-28 at 09:32 -0700, novnovice wrote:
> Joshua, you're with command prompt...you had/have a product called mammoth
> replicator which I looked at. It seemed approx what I was after but the
> project didn't seem very alive. Was my use case not what mammoth was about?
> Or is it just that mammoth is basically gone?

Oh it's alive. We are down to the last feature of the 1.9 release before
going into the wild again. That said, no -- what we offer would not help

We offer Master->N-Slave replication. 


Joshua D. Drake

PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
Command Prompt, Inc: http://www.commandprompt.com/ - 509.416.6579
Consulting, Training, Support, Custom Development, Engineering
http://twitter.com/cmdpromptinc | http://identi.ca/commandprompt

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