On Mon, 2010-09-27 at 20:08 -0700, novnovice wrote:
> Can anyone recommend a relatively simple merge replication package that would
> work well on windows and which relies on one of the current postgresql
> versions? 9 would be fine for my needs. I'm a fairly unsophisticated
> postgresql user; and not very experienced with replication on other
> databases. So the simplest to configure and maintain solution would be best.
> I am not sure but it sounds like the new replication features that come
> baked in to postgres 9 are not so oriented towards merge replication - is
> that right?
> My use case would involve a primary postgresql database and several
> postgresql databases on disconnected notebook computers. All dbs need to be
> able to support updates inserts etc; and then hopefully the replication
> software would help with things like conflict resolution.

As far as I know, this does not exist for Postgresql.

Joshua D. Drake

PostgreSQL.org Major Contributor
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