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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Elliot Chance <>
> Date: 15 November 2010 9:02:43 PM AEDT
> To: Thom Brown <>
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Postgres forums ... take 2
> On 15/11/2010, at 8:37 PM, Thom Brown wrote:
>> On 15 November 2010 08:34, Elliot Chance <> wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> I've taken in all the feedback about and the 
>> general consensus is that nobody wants a separate entity - a few people 
>> mentioned that if it was interoperable with the mailing list that it would 
>> be better. So I did.
>> The concept goes like this;
>> 1. Any posts to the general mailing list will be picked up by the forum, the 
>> email data is converted and posted on the forum, for example;
>> 2. Any reply to the forum will do the reverse and send the post back to the 
>> mailing list as a reply.
>> This means the forum can be fully controlled through the mailing list 
>> without the need to visit the forums directly. However those people who 
>> prefer to use a forum interface can, and those messages are relayed back 
>> through the mailing list to get answered.
>> Step 1 is complete (might need a little tweaking, i've only tried it with a 
>> couple of topics.) Step 2 I haven't begun - wanted to get some more feedback.
>> All the forum topics and posts are back-dated to match the emails, which 
>> means it would be *theoretically* possible to load in the entire postgres 
>> mailing list archive but I wouldn't do that on a server that couldn't handle 
>> that much data.
>> Disclaimer about user names:
>> User names are registered automatically based on the unique email address of 
>> the person emailing the response. Each user is given a random 8 character 
>> password. You can use the recover password page to login to your account and 
>> change your user name to anything you want, the only important thing is that 
>> your email address matches.
>> I know this is a sensitive issue with some people, i've made sure no 
>> information is posted thats not already currently being indexed by google.
>> The only maintenance I can see is that all new topics are pushed into the 
>> General > Other category as the script can't differentiate what category it 
>> should in fact belong to, once the topic is moved it will stay there. This 
>> shouldn't be a real problem as theres not many new topics being created on 
>> any given day.
>> Elliot,
>> That's actually some good work you've done there!  I didn't know phpBB 
>> supported bidirectional mailing list support.
> It doesn't. I have a subscription address that is piped into a PHP script 
> that uses the phpBB3 APIs to do all you see.
>> I think, however, that having such a forum at a address isn't 
>> particularly desirable, as it implies it's regional.  If others are happy 
>> for you to work on this, it might be an idea to speak to the existing web 
>> team to see if they are able to provide you with pointers and possibly 
>> resources to get such a thing up and running.  It would be nice, for 
>> example, to have set up.
> I was just amazed that was available (in australia you need 
> a registered company to get a address so that's why.)
> At the moment its running on mysql (I know, but they don't support postgres) 
> but it will work with postgres. The forum software, database and scripts I've 
> written are all portable so theres no reason why it couldn't be moved to 
> another domain any time in the future. Obviously at the time I couldn't use 
> Lets see how it goes, if it does turn out to be useful then we'll have a chat 
> to the developers.
>> A few points though.  I think we'd need to disable smileys, bbcode, any form 
>> of rich text formatting, flash or embedded images.  In short, plain text 
>> only, which is the policy on the mailing list.  I think it would be more 
>> useful if each forum directly corresponded to a mailing list too.  What I 
>> mean is that if there was a forum on the site which didn't match to a 
>> mailing list, only forum users could use it.
> If someone were to send a reply on the forum all the bbcode would be stripped 
> before emailing it to the mailing list to keep the mailing list "pure." Is 
> that what you mean?
>> Also, if someone registers on the forum, do they get a major domo 
>> registration email?  And if so, would this be set to receive no emails upon 
>> registration?  I'm not clear as to how this step would work because, at the 
>> moment, mailing list subscribers have to subscribe on a list-by-list basis.  
>> So registration to the forum site wouldn't necessarily mean they'd want to 
>> join any particular mailing list.  Similarly, could they unregister easily?  
>> And anyone who attempts to post to a mailing list they aren't subscribed to 
>> requires moderation, so we don't wish to exacerbate this.
> No they are not registered on the mailing list, but they actually don't need 
> to be, let me explain:
> 1. John Smith has a postgres related question and finds the forums, he signs 
> up and posts his question.
> 2. His post is then emailed to the mailing list under a generic registered 
> address like ""
> 3. Bob House reads Johns question on the mailing list and simply sends an 
> email reply.
> 4. The email reply is piped into the forum and matches the topic based on the 
> email subject (thats how it currently does it.)
> 5. John gets an email from phpBB along the lines of "Bob House has replied to 
> your post, click here" (all forums do this) he reads the response and is 
> happy.
> This is the best balance of no-fuss and expert response, keeping in mind that:
> * John can still sign up to the mailing list like anyone else if he wants to.
> * All of John's forums communications are in the postgres mailing list 
> archive now.
>> But that's a nice start. :)
> I thought smilies were banned ...... :D
> Nothing is set in stone. There almost definitely will be forum categories 
> added/merged/removed, lets call this a beta.
>> Cheers
>> -- 
>> Thom Brown
>> Twitter: @darkixion
>> IRC (freenode): dark_ixion
>> Registered Linux user: #516935

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