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Begin forwarded message:

> From: Elliot Chance <>
> Date: 16 November 2010 4:57:27 PM AEDT
> To: Craig Ringer <>
> Subject: Re: [GENERAL] Postgres forums ... take 2
> On 16/11/2010, at 2:01 PM, Craig Ringer wrote:
>> On 15/11/10 17:37, Thom Brown wrote:
>>> That's actually some good work you've done there!  I didn't know phpBB
>>> supported bidirectional mailing list support.
>> Yikes. Neither did I. I've always seen phpBB as the barren wasteland of
>> web forums - forums full of half-page animated GIF signatures separating
>> single lines of text, some kind of content-free zone of minimum
>> information density. Maybe it can be configured to be better than that
>> after all.
>> How does it handle threading? Will forum threads be properly threaded?
>> And will replies have the correct In-Reply-To: <msgid> header so they
>> get threaded correctly?
> It uses the message-id and in-reply-to header information, so a change in 
> email subject will not effect the flow of the thread. However not all emails 
> stick by those rules, a few emails do not carry the header information in 
> which case the script strips the subject (to remove "Re:", "[GENERAL]") and 
> then matches the topic by name as a fall back.
> Email header information can be sketchy at the best of times, but this does a 
> pretty good job at making sure almost all of the messages are handled 
> correctly. In some rare cases when the in-reply-to is missing and the subject 
> has changed it will create a new thread, but a forum moderator can click a 
> button to merge the threads and all is fixed.
>> Have you been in touch with the Pg list admins to make sure they're cool
>> with this?
> At this point its a good idea, who is the best person(s) to contact? I want 
> to make sure anything I do does not in any way reflect badly on the community 
> or seem like i'm doing anything dishonest.
>>> A few points though.  I think we'd need to disable smileys, bbcode, any
>>> form of rich text formatting, flash or embedded images.
>> Mostly agreed. Limiting signatures to 4/5 lines would be nice too.
> All forum software limits the size of a signature to stop people abusing it. 
> As the signature is a separate entity the mail that comes from the forum can 
> contain or ignore the signature.
>> Limited HTML is really useful on web forums, though, as it allows you to
>> delineate code from other text. Unless the whole forum is set to
>> monospaced text with preserved whitespace, that's necessary to ensure
>> that code samples are readable.
> That's one thing that can't be fixed when incoming emails are converted to 
> forums posts the code blocks appear as normal text.
> There is no use importing huge archives seeing as most of it is either too 
> old to be relevant, bloat the forum and most people don't bother using a 
> search anyway before posting. But it may be alright to say import the last 
> few months of data (that include product release announcements, active bugs 
> etc.) I have written another script which imports the mbox files just as a 
> proof of concept:
> Those 7 threads were imported from a single months mbox file.
>> -- 
>> Craig Ringer
>> Tech-related writing:

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