On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 14:22, Elliot Chance <elliotcha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 20/11/2010, at 11:52 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
>> On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 12:26, Elliot Chance <elliotcha...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 20/11/2010, at 9:52 PM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
>>>> On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 02:57, Elliot Chance <elliotcha...@gmail.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 20/11/2010, at 3:58 AM, Magnus Hagander wrote:
>>>>> Isn't that a secondary use case, though?  It would be easy to solve this
>>>>> by providing a URL to the post in the forum that you can click; assuming
>>>>> the forum interface gives you the option to reply privately.
>>>>> That would pretty much make it impossible to use offline.
>>>>> That would be annoying, but I guess survivable. But how would that
>>>>> work for a user that hasn't signed up for the forum? How does it
>>>>> verify the sender?
>>>>> The forum uses the same confirmation as the mailing list where an email is
>>>>> sent to the address and they have to click on a link to activate their
>>>>> account - this very standard practice on forum software.
>>>> Oh, I assumed that - you're missing my point.
>>>> The point is this:
>>>> Assume John Doe posts something to the list. I am reading this, and
>>>> want to use "alvaros suggestion" for doing a direct response. So I
>>>> click the link that was in the email. *I* am not registrered in the
>>>> forums. How do I respond to his post in a safe way?
>>> You are registered in the forum already (it does this automatically), you 
>>> simply reply on the mailing list as you have always done. If you feel the 
>>> sudden urge to only reply via the forum then simply use the recover 
>>> password to login and reply from there.
>> I can't do that, since all email is sent from the same address. How
>> will the forum software know which person I was trying to respond to?
> One very annoying thing about Apple Mail with these lists is that when I hit 
> reply if I don't change the To address to the mailing list or manually add 
> the Cc then it doesn't even get sent to the mailing list. I wouldn't be 
> surprised if a lot of my posts have disappeared like that.

Use "Reply To All" when you want to send to the list. It's what
everybody else has been doing for ages :-) If you want to read up on
the bike-shedding that goes behind that preference, it is something
that comes up regularly - just search the archives.

> for...@postgresql.com.au is pointed to a black hole so that email disappears 
> but the mailing list gets another copy. When the mailing list gets its copy 
> it sends a copy to the forum (because the forum is just like a subscribed 
> user), the parser then dissects the headers to find out where the post 
> belongs. We already know this part works.

So how does one respond to the user?

>>> Using nomail still requires you to confirm your email address (I know 
>>> because i've tried it.) If there were a magic value you could pass then it 
>>> would defeat the purpose of having email confirmations and people would 
>>> just write scripts to cheat it - like I want to do.
>> Uh, no. Not when you're accessing the interface with the proper
>> password (one that has permissions to do admin actions on the list).
>> The code in that example does not require confirmation for the
>> subscriptions. It does, I think, send out the "welcome to the xyz
>> list" mail, but that should also be easily scriptable away.
> Theres no way I'm relying on the fact that every person that signs up to the 
> forums will be informed enough to realise that the forum is more-or-less just 
> a front for the mailing list. If I signed up to a forum and got and email 
> saying "welcome to the mailing list" I would think "Um, I didn't sign up to 
> this" and unsubscribe. Now all my posts will be rejected by the mailing list 
> and my posts will goto thin air without me ever knowing.

Like I said, "that should also be easily scriptable away". Yes, it
will take more than zero seconds of work to look into how to do it.

>> You are still not understanding the problem. Since I *don't have the
>> users email address*, I can't send it the normal way. I have nowhere
>> to send it.
> Explained above, your not sending it to the person your sending it back to 
> the mailing list. I know this works because I've been testing it with my own 
> address like a dummy mailing list.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record.. I don't *WANT* to send
it to the list, in this scenario. I want to send it to the *person*.

>>> Forums and mailing lists have the same functionality they just do the same 
>>> things different ways. If you want to use the mailing list you have to use 
>>> it like a mailing list, if you want to use the forum then you have to use 
>>> it like a forum.
>>> If John Doe signs up to the forum he is expecting the forum to work like a 
>>> forum. When his answer is posted to the forum thread he will be notified. 
>>> If in rare cases someone needs to send him a private message or email they 
>>> can still do so through those features provided inside the forum software.
>> So again, you're either not understanding the problem, or deliberately
>> avoiding it.
>> John Doe posts something to the forum.
>> This gets mirrored to the mailinglist. From address is 
>> fo...@postgresql.com.au
>> I read this
>> I want to respond to John Doe.
> If you want to respond you use the Reply button.

But that email goes to fo...@postgresql.com.au. Which you said above
is a black hole. How do I get it to John?

>> There is no way for me to reach John Doe at this point. I can reach
>> the mailinglist. But I don't want to reach the mailinglist, I want to
>> reach John Done.
> If you want to personally reach John Doe you can use either the PM or email 
> system in the forum - and you know how to reach him by his name. And perhaps 
> a URL at the bottom of the email. If you just want to reply to him then i've 
> explain that above.

But I'm not *on* the forum, I'm using the mailinglist.

The URL at the bottom is an acceptable solution, if you can make it
work transparently. I just don't understand how you can do that -
since I haven't signed up, I don't have a password.And you can't
encode it in the URL, because it goes into public archives... So how
would that URL *work*?

>> How do I access the forums private message feature, since I'm not
>> registered in the forum software?
> Again, you are registered, you have a password but you'l have to recover it 
> the first time to be able to login to the forum to send PMs/emails etc.

So basically, I can't respond to posts made from the forum then,
because having to go through such a cycle is certainly broken enough
that I would never use it.

Based on that, I'm back to saying that the email has to be generated
from a valid email address, that can be used for return traffic.
Whether it's the users original address or a forum-specific one is a
different question, but a blackhole catch-all one just won't do.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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