Alban Hertroys <> writes:
> I'm not one of the people who've been communicating off-list about this with 
> him, so I may be wrong, but to my understanding what Magnus wants (the 
> requirement, not a solution to it) is this:

> - Person A is on the forums and sends a message that ends up on the ML (and 
> on the forums, naturally).
> - Someone on the ML, Person B, sends him a _private_ reply, not intended to 
> end up in either the ML or the forums.
> - The message goes to the forum software and is passed on to Person A, and 
> does _not_ end up on the forums or the ML.

I tend to agree with Bruce that that's not necessarily a hard
requirement: a person who's using the forums to post has more or less
disclaimed interest in getting private email, no?

But what I think we *do* need to worry about is that someone using the
mailing lists might try to send what they *think* is a private reply.
We need to be sure that a reply-to-sender-only operation does not end up
getting splattered across the forums and/or lists.  Maybe bouncing it is
sufficient, in which case ML posts originating from forum users don't
have to carry a working From: address.

What I'm more concerned about myself is that forum users be
identifiable.  We don't allow anonymous trolls on the mailing lists,
and I'm not pleased at the idea that a forum might provide an end-run
around that.  I don't necessarily think that every posting has to
carry a working From: address to meet that requirement, though.
A forum handle of some sort would probably be sufficient.

                        regards, tom lane

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