> ~
>  I have been searching for a PostgreSQL-derived project with a
> "less-is-best" Philosophy. Even though I have read about quite a bit
> of PG forks out there, what I have in mind is more like a baseline
> than a fork.
> ~
>  My intention is not wrapping the same thing in a different package or
> code add-ons/value-added features on top of PG, but ridding PG of
> quite a bit of its internal capabilities and just use its very
> baseline.
> ~
>  All I would need PG for is raw data warehousing, memory,
> I/O-subsystem management, MVCC/transaction management ... No fanciness
> whatsoever. What do you need to, say, format dates in the database if
> formatting/pretty-printing and internalization can be taken care more
> appropriately in the calling environment say Python or Java? All is
> needed is to store a long representing the date. Why are arrays needed
> in a the DB proper when serialization and marshaling/casting can be
> taken care of in the calling environment. If you are using say, java,
> all you need PG to do is to faithfully store a sequence of bytes and
> you would do the (de)serialization very naturally indeed.
> ~
>  There used to be a postgresql-base-<version> package with the bare
> minimum of source code to build and run PostgreSQL which I think would
> be a good starting point, but I don't find it in the mirror sites
> anymore
> ~
>  http://wwwmaster.postgresql.org/download/mirrors-ftp
> ~
>  Where can I find it?
> ~
>  I know the result will not be a SQL-compliant DBMS anymore, yet I
> wonder how much faster would SQL+client code doing such things as
> formatting "on-the-fly" work.
> ~
>  Do you know of such tests even in a regular PG installation?
> ~
>  Do you see any usefulness in such a project?
> ~
>  Do you know of such a project? Anyone interested? Any suggestions to
> someone embarking in it?
> ~
>  It would be great if PG developers see any good in it and do it themselves 
> ;-)
> ~
>  lbrtchx

Doesn't Yahoo! have some super modified mega-high-performant version
of Postgres?  Last I heard (which was like 2008) they were planning on
putting it online.  I think it involved a columnar oriented table
format or something.  Did this ever happen?

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