On Sep 24, 2011, at 22:54, Albretch Mueller <lbrt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Do you see any usefulness in such a project?
> ~
> Do you know of such a project? Anyone interested? Any suggestions to
> someone embarking in it?
> ~
> It would be great if PG developers see any good in it and do it themselves ;-)
> ~
> lbrtchx

I can't tell if you mean this as a humorous post of if you just having 
something in your eye ;-)

I cannot imagine you would benefit that much by removing these capabilities 
compared to simply ignoring them.

As a developer I still have to deal with dates and arrays so while PostgreSQL 
could do less the work still has to be done.  I happier having a group of 
programmers more skilled than myself doing it instead of me.  Plus, by having 
it in the DB I avoid considerable considerable overhead and can now use those 
features within my SQL statements/queries.

I can see where adding complexity could weigh into a do/ignore decision but 
once it's in and tested why would you want to remove a feature?  If it had 
serious performance implications maybe, but even then arguing for a runtime 
enable/disable flag would be best so everyone could decide based upon their 
unique circumstances.

Not a project developer but unless and until you can identify meaningful areas 
of performance degradation you are simply guessing that in simply being feature 
rich PostgreSQL has sub-optimal performance; but if most/all of the overhead is 
in areas that you deem critical/core then nothing you would do would have a 
meaningful impact; and improving the core areas would improve not only your own 
situation but the core project as well.

"Premature optimization is the root of all evil." (someone not me)

David J.

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