> ~
>  I have been searching for a PostgreSQL-derived project with a
> "less-is-best" Philosophy. Even though I have read about quite a bit
> of PG forks out there, what I have in mind is more like a baseline
> than a fork.
> ~
>  My intention is not wrapping the same thing in a different package or
> code add-ons/value-added features on top of PG, but ridding PG of
> quite a bit of its internal capabilities and just use its very
> baseline.
> ~
>  All I would need PG for is raw data warehousing, memory,
> I/O-subsystem management, MVCC/transaction management ... No fanciness
> whatsoever. What do you need to, say, format dates in the database if
> formatting/pretty-printing and internalization can be taken care more
> appropriately in the calling environment say Python or Java? All is
> needed is to store a long representing the date. Why are arrays needed
> in a the DB proper when serialization and marshaling/casting can be
> taken care of in the calling environment. If you are using say, java,
> all you need PG to do is to faithfully store a sequence of bytes and
> you would do the (de)serialization very naturally indeed.

Maybe you let us in a little more on what you're trying to accomplish. What it 
looks like to me right now is that you're looking for a non-sql compliant SQL 
database where a lot of the data integrity is actually coded in the 
application :-)
I bet there are database systems out there that do exactly or nearly what you 
want. Maybe an object oriented one may suit you better than a relational 

For me, I sure don't use all that postgresql has to offer, but I like that it 
does a lot of things for me and I code most of what my application does inside 
the database using views, stored procedures and triggers. That approach strips 
down on application complexity. My apps don't have to do any post-processing 
of the data - I query the records I need and the app merely displays them.  
Yes, sometimes I wish postgresql was more "high performance" - but then, I 
drive an old, paid for, practical car and not a formula one racer without a 
boot or spare tire. My point being: postgresql does what it does very reliably 
and although not the best performer on the market, it is a database I would 
trust my payroll with - and there are few where I'd make that statement.
Never had any data loss ever, never had it crash on me. Give good hardware to 
postgresql and you will get good performance with exceptional stability and 


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