On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Joe Conway wrote:

> Robert Treat wrote:
> > On Fri, 2003-08-01 at 21:08, Ron Johnson wrote:
> >>Is there a possibility of getting this in v7.5?
> > 
> > Heres the things I think would have to happen to put this in 7.5
> > 
> > 1) Resolve license issues (not bsd licensed)
> > 2) Integrate it into the postgresql build system so it can work on all
> > platforms.
> > 3) Make it build against different versions of php
> > 4) More people testing it in different situations.
> Here's my list.
> Minor issues/ general code cleanup:
> 1. eliminate '//' style comments
> 2. fix indentation
> More significant:
> 2. Add support for array conversion in-out
> 3. Add support for set-returning functions
> 4. Add support for argument/return-value polymorphism
> 5. Incorporate recent improvements in function caching (ala PL/pgSQL)
> 6. Add documentation
> 7. Add regression test support
> 8. Modify for new ereport syntax and nested error contexts
> Most significant:
> 9. Use PHP embed API instead of the PHP CLI (command line interface)
> 10.Fix license

Looking at the license for PHP found here:


it would seem to be pretty much an apache style license that doesn't allow 
you to relicense it without permission.  but it looks BSD compatible.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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