On Tue, 2003-11-25 at 16:58, Randolf Richardson wrote:
> [sNip]
> >> In summary, you could be charging them for some very expensive courier 
> >> services, if for which they don't pay then you won't deliver.  =)
> > 
> > Of course a competitor could purchase a copy or get it from a customer
> > and set up shop right away selling it too.
>       Ah, so even the GPL has a few loop holes!  =D

Not really. Well, actually no. One of the goals of the GPL is to make it
possible for this very thing to happen.

I can get GPLed software (however, by paying or for free), and the
source for it and do whatever I want with it, including on-selling
copies or derived works.

The only catch is that my copies and derived works must also be licenced
under the GPL.


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