>>Here's an interesting response from mysql.com sales.  Frankly, I don't see
>>how using it on multiple internal servers violates the GPL?!?:
> You're talking to a sales droid, a suit, someone whose brain
> cells have died off because his tie was tied to tight.

        That's an official answer from the company, and it should be treated as 
such.  If you think an employee is spreading mis-information, then you should 
contact the company directly and ask for further clarification with a short 
explanation of your doubts about the information you were provided.

        Making insults to discredit someone because you don't like their 
official response due to their job title is a childish tactic that doesn't 
help anyone.

Randolf Richardson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Inter-Corporate Computer & Network Services, Inc.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

This message originated from within a secure, reliable,
high-performance network ... a Novell NetWare network.

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TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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