Paul Thomas wrote:
> On 28/11/2003 17:10 Jason Tesser wrote:
> > [snip]
> >
> > MySQL cannot even handle
> > sub-queries yet. I also use Python for standalone interfaces to
> the data.
> >
> > Why should I not be able to use the same views and triggers etc
>  in there
> > that I use for my web apps.  PHP is quite powerful if used correctly.
> You are, of course, free to do whatever want. But if you have to use
> features of the database to compensate for inadequacies in your
> programming language maybe you should be using another language?

This doesn't even make sense in the context of Jasons remark.

> > Java has its own issues and I am not sure it is as far supiour as you
> > are claming it is.  But that is not for this dscussion.
> I'm not aware of any "issues" with Java (unless you mean Swing ;)).
> > MySQL may be more
> > popular with (cheap) web hosting places but that doesn't mean it is the
> > best
> > or that Postgres wouldn't serve better even in this area.  I am glad
> > to see the article written for PHP mag as Postgres would help
> alot of PHP
> > guys that are using MySQL.
> Much of the populatity of MySQL seems to stem from PHPs out-of-the-box
> support for it. With the MySQL client library license change, this
> situation will probably change. There was a long thread about
> this earlier
> this year. Check the archives.
This is incorrect.  The embedded mysql client library was not added until
PHP4.0 RC1.  PHP's popularity existed long before this.  The real culprit
causing the popularity of MySQL was it's ubiquity among hosting providers
and the virtual non-existence of PG in that arena.  If PG had been more
friendly to shared hosting environments, perhaps this situation wouldn't
have arisen.  Blaming PHP for this situation (and your other comments) show
extreme prejudice.

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