> Randolf Richardson wrote:
> >>>In dealing with web applications and frontends to database or
> >>>even just a dynamic web site PHP has every bit the power and ability
> >>>Java does and the development time is way down.
> >>
> >>Uh, how about threads.  I know that you don't need them much but it sure
> >>would be nice to be able to do background processing.
> >
> > [sNip]
> >
> >     PHP doesn't support threads?
> Nope...
>    I've always thought of Forking as
> > overkill where threads are light and elegant.
> >
> Depends on your environment... Forking in Linux is fairly lightweight.

But when you are using php with a web server you can't really use the
process contol functions safely.  Forking apache processes on your own is
not a good idea.  If forking were an option with php/apache it would do just
fine.  But currently it is not a viable solution.

http://us2.php.net/manual/en/ref.pcntl.php (read the first paragraph)

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