On 29/11/2003 16:24 Jason Tesser wrote:
A programmer that doesn't document stuff needs to find a new job :-)

Agreed. So you're replaced him and inherited a documentation-free application. How many favours has he done you by squirrelling away section of business logic in the database?

This is more of an issue with management.  Anyone who does database apps
for on any kind of a large scale will tell you that views, triggers,
are essential.  I am currently in teh process of writing a complete
for the college I develop for.  Finance, accounting, pos, registration,
student tracking etc...

I've worked on stuff for some of the largest companies in the world if that counts. Mind you, I've been in the business 24 years (18 of those as an independent consultant) so maybe I'm just a newbie :)

For your accounting, take a look at SQL-Ledger (www.sql-ledger.org). It might save you months of effort.

You might not have understood me or I am not understanding you.

It feels like we're 2 people divided by a common language...

Paul Thomas
| Thomas Micro Systems Limited | Software Solutions for the Smaller Business |
| Computer Consultants | http://www.thomas-micro-systems-ltd.co.uk |

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