On 11/29/21, 2:13 PM, "Bossart, Nathan" <bossa...@amazon.com> wrote:
> Alright, here's v3.  In this version, I actually removed the message
> about the control file entirely, so now the error message looks like
> this:
>         postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION does_not_exist;
>         ERROR:  extension "does_not_exist" is not available
>         DETAIL:  The extension must first be installed on the system where 
> PostgreSQL is running.
>         HINT:  The pg_available_extensions view lists the extensions that are 
> available for installation.
> I can add the control file part back if we think it's necessary.

Hm.  I should probably adjust the hint to avoid confusion from
"installed on the system" and "available for installation."  Maybe
something like

        The pg_available_extensions view lists the available extensions.


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