On 11/29/21 17:54, Bossart, Nathan wrote:

>         postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION does_not_exist;
>         ERROR:  extension "does_not_exist" is not available
>         DETAIL:  Extension control file 
> "/usr/local/pgsql/share/extension/does_not_exist.control" does not exist.
>         HINT:  The extension must first be installed on the system where 
> PostgreSQL is running.

That looks like the direction I would have gone with it.

I wonder, though, is it better to write "does not exist." in the message,
or to use %m and get the exact message from the OS (which presumably would
be "No such file or directory" on Unix, and whatever Windows says for such
things on Windows).

My leaning is generally to use %m and therefore the exact OS message
in the detail, but I don't claim to speak for the project style on that.


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