On 4/2/22 01:25, Jaime Casanova wrote:
> I got a crash running the below query on the regression database:
> """
> select pg_catalog.json_object_agg_unique(10,
>             cast(ref_0.level2_no as int4)) 
>               over (partition by ref_0.parent_no 
>                       order by ref_0.level2_no)
> from public.transition_table_level2 as ref_0;
> """
> Attached the backtrace.
> PS: I'm cc'ing Andrew and Nikita because my feeling is that this is 
> f4fb45d15c59d7add2e1b81a9d477d0119a9691a responsability.

Hmm. Thanks for the report. The code in json_unique_check_key() looks
sane enough., so the issue is probably elsewhere. I'll keep digging.



Andrew Dunstan
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com

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