On 23.03.2023 at 04:09, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
You're quite right.  I clearly didn't have my XSLT turned on.  Importing
only works when templates are matched, not called by name.

Sorry for the extra work I've put you through.

No problem. As always I've learnt something which may help me in the future.

You've put in a lot of good work.  I'm attaching 2 patches
with only minor changes.

Thanks. When comparing things I also realized that I had accidentally
created a reversed patch. Thanks for fixing this.


This separates out the addition of ids from the XSLT changes, just
to keep things tidy.  Content is from your patch.



I changed the linked text, the #, so that the leading space
is not linked.  This is arguable, as the extra space makes
it easier to put the mouse on the region.  But it seems

I tend to prefer a slightly bigger mouseover-region but I don't really mind.

I've tided up so the lines are no longer than 80 chars.


This looks awesome.  I love the xpath!  I've changed the format of the
error message.  What do you think?  (Try it out by _not_ applying

Also, the error message now has leading and trailing newlines to make
it stand out.  I'm normally against this sort of thing but thought I'd
add it anyway for others to review.


I'm ready to send these on to a committer but if you don't
like what I did please send more patches for me to review.

I like it and think it's ready for commiter.

Outstanding questions (for committer?):

The 002-make_html_ids_discoverable_v4.patch generates xhtml <h1>,
<h2>, etc. attributes using a XSLT <element> element with a
"namespace" attribute.

I'm not sure I follow. I cannot see any namespacing weirdness in my output.

Are you using the v1.79.2 styleshhets?

What character should be used to represent a link anchor?

It's not the first time this is coming up. See my response in the old

Personally I'd advise to stick with ASCII for now.

In any case changing the symbol at some point would be a very minor
effort if we deem it necessary.

Maybe this could be part of some general overhaul of the visual
apperance and website styling by a person with more talent for this than
I have.



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