On 24.03.2023 at 05:09, Karl O. Pinc wrote:
Hi Brar,

An observation:  The # that shows up when hovering
over section-level headings is styled as the
section-level heading is.  But the # that shows
up when hovering over varlistentrys has the default
text style.

This works for me.  It's nice to have the "section #"s
look like the section heading.  But the varlistentry's
terms are smaller than the normal font, and their
line width is less heavy than normal.  I'm not really
invested one way or the other, but I find it kind of
nice that the varlistentry's #s are easier to click
on and more noticable because they're slightly larger
than might be expected.

TBH I didn't bother a lot with this.

Most of the time it's actually not the font size but rather the
font-family which gets inherited from the parent element if you don't
set it explicitly.

The link just inherits everithing (including the color, which I have set
to inherit explicitly since links don't inherit the parent's color by
default) from it's parent, which is the HTML <dt> element (ultimately
the inheritance probably goes up to the <body> element style in pretty
much all cases).

In some instances the input <term> element contains elements that are
styled differently in the output (e.g.: <literal> which translates to
HTML <code> which has "font-family: monospace;") which makes the # from
the link appear differently than the visible element it appears after.

Since (after tweaking the color) the general visual appearence looked ok
to me, I didn't bother with this any further.



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