On 23.03.2023 at 10:35, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
As with the <simplelist> patch, we'll need to patch the CSS used in the
website for the docs too, as that's the most important place where docs
are visited.  See this commit for an example:

In order to test locally that your patched stylesheet works correctly,
you'd have to compile the docs with "make html STYLE=website" in the doc
subdir, and tweak one of the CSS files there (I think it's
docs-complete.css) so that it references your local copy instead of
fetching it from the website.

Thanks I'll take care of this tonight.

I'm not clear on what exactly becomes visible when one hovers over what.
Can you please share a screenshot?

I could, but since hover effects don't really come across in screenshots
I've posted a build of the docs including the patch to

See https://pgdocs.piening.info/app-psql.html as an example.

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