
Thank you for creating the patch!
I think it is a very useful view as a user.

I will share some thoughts about the v6 patch.


The regular expression needs to be changed in generate-wait_event_types.pl.
I have compared the documentation with the output of the pg_wait_event
view and found the following differences.

* For parameter names, the substitution for underscore is missing.
-ArchiveCleanupCommand Waiting for archive_cleanup_command to complete
-ArchiveCommand Waiting for archive_command to complete
+ArchiveCleanupCommand Waiting for archive-cleanup-command to complete
+ArchiveCommand Waiting for archive-command to complete
-RecoveryEndCommand Waiting for recovery_end_command to complete
+RecoveryEndCommand Waiting for recovery-end-command to complete
-RestoreCommand Waiting for restore_command to complete
+RestoreCommand Waiting for restore-command to complete

* The HTML tag match is not shortest match.
-frozenid Waiting to update pg_database.datfrozenxid and pg_database.datminmxid
+frozenid Waiting to update datminmxid

* There are two blanks before "about". Also " for heavy weight is
  removed (is it intended?)
-LockManager Waiting to read or update information about "heavyweight" locks +LockManager Waiting to read or update information about heavyweight locks

* Do we need "worker_spi_main" in the description? The name column
  shows the same one, so it could be omitted.
worker_spi_main Custom wait event "worker_spi_main" defined by extension


Would it be better to add "extension" meaning unassigned?

Extensions can add Extension and LWLock types to the list shown in Table 28.8 and Table 28.12. In some cases, the name of LWLock assigned by an extension will not be available in all server processes; It might be reported as just “extension” rather than the extension-assigned name.


Would index == els be better for the following Assert?
+       Assert(index <= els);


There is a typo. alll -> all
+       /* Allocate enough space for alll entries */


BTW, although I think this is outside the scope of this patch,
it might be a good idea to be able to add a description to the
API for custom wait events.

Masahiro Ikeda

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