
I am sending an updated patch, and submitting this to the next commit fest,
as I still believe this could be very useful.


On Thu, 7 Sept 2023 at 21:51, Gabriele Bartolini <
gabriele.bartol...@enterprisedb.com> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I would like to propose a patch that allows administrators to disable
> `ALTER SYSTEM` via either a runt-time option to pass to the Postgres server
> process at startup (e.g. `--disable-alter-system=true`, false by default)
> or a new GUC (or even both), without changing the current default method of
> the server.
> The main reason is that this would help improve the “security by default”
> posture of Postgres in a Kubernetes/Cloud Native environment - and, in
> general, in any environment on VMs/bare metal behind a configuration
> management system in which changes should only be made in a declarative way
> and versioned like Ansible Tower, to cite one.
> Below you find some background information and the longer story behind
> this proposal.
> Sticking to the Kubernetes use case, I am primarily speaking on behalf of
> the CloudNativePG open source operator (cloudnative-pg.io, of which I am
> one of the maintainers). However, I am sure that this option could benefit
> any operator for Postgres - an operator is the most common and recommended
> way to run a complex application like a PostgreSQL database management
> system inside Kubernetes.
> In this case, the state of a PostgreSQL cluster (for example its number of
> replicas, configuration, storage, etc.) is defined in a Custom Resource
> Definition in the form of configuration, typically YAML, and the operator
> works with Kubernetes to ensure that, at any moment, the requested Postgres
> cluster matches the observed one. This is a very basic example in
> CloudNativePG:
> https://cloudnative-pg.io/documentation/current/samples/cluster-example.yaml
> As I was mentioning above, in a Cloud Native environment it is expected
> that workloads are secure by default. Without going into much detail, many
> decisions have been made in that direction by operators for Postgres,
> including CloudNativePG. The goal of this proposal is to provide a way to
> ensure that changes to the PostgreSQL configuration in a Kubernetes
> controlled Postgres cluster are allowed only through the Kubernetes API.
> Basically, if you want to change an option for PostgreSQL, you need to
> change the desired state in the Kubernetes resource, then Kubernetes will
> converge (through the operator). In simple words, it’s like empowering the
> operator to impersonate the PostgreSQL superuser.
> However, given that we cannot force this use case, there could be roles
> with the login+superuser privileges connecting to the PostgreSQL instance
> and potentially “interfering” with the requested state defined in the
> configuration by imperatively running “ALTER SYSTEM” commands.
> For example: CloudNativePG has a fixed value for some GUCs in order to
> manage a full HA cluster, including SSL, log, some WAL and replication
> settings. While the operator eventually reconciles those settings, even the
> temporary change of those settings in a cluster might be harmful. Think for
> example of a user that, through `ALTER SYSTEM`, tries to change WAL level
> to minimal, or change the setting of the log (we require CSV), potentially
> creating issues to the underlying instance and cluster (potentially leaving
> it in an unrecoverable state in the case of other more invasive GUCS).
> At the moment, a possible workaround is that `ALTER SYSTEM` can be blocked
> by making the postgresql.auto.conf read only, but the returned message is
> misleading and that’s certainly bad user experience (which is very
> important in a cloud native environment):
> ```
> postgres=# ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_level TO minimal;
> ERROR:  could not open file "postgresql.auto.conf": Permission denied
> ```
> For this reason, I would like to propose the option to be given to the
> postgres process at startup, in order to be as less invasive as possible
> (the operator could then start Postgres requesting `ALTER SYSTEM` to be
> disabled). That’d be my preference at the moment, if possible.
> Alternatively, or in addition, the introduction of a GUC to disable `ALTER
> SYSTEM` altogether. This enables tuning this setting through configuration
> at the Kubernetes level, only if the operators require it - without
> damaging the rest of the users.
> Before I start writing any lines of code and propose a patch, I would like
> first to understand if there’s room for it.
> Thanks for your attention and … looking forward to your feedback!
> Ciao,
> Gabriele
> --
> Gabriele Bartolini
> Vice President, Cloud Native at EDB
> enterprisedb.com

Gabriele Bartolini
Vice President, Cloud Native at EDB

Attachment: 0001-Add-enable_alter_system-GUC.patch
Description: Binary data

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