On Tue, 9 Jul 2024 at 17:32, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 2024-07-09 14:52:39 +0100, Dave Page wrote:
> > I have 4 different diff.exe's on my ~6 week old build VM (not counting
> > shims), all of which seem to support --strip-trailing-cr. Those builds
> came
> > with:
> >
> > - git
> > - VC++
> > - diffutils (installed by chocolatey)
> > - vcpkg
> >
> > I think it's reasonable to assume it'll be supported.
> I think the more likely issue would be an older setup with an older diff,
> people on windows seem to not want to touch a working setup ever :). But we
> can deal with that if reports about it come in.

They've got to move to meson/ninja anyway, so... <shrug>.

> > > > Not sure what the issue is with pg_bsd_indent, though.
> > >
> >
> > Yeah - that's odd, as that test always passes for me, with or without
> > autocrlf.
> Huh.
> > The other failures I see are the following, which I'm just starting to
> dig
> > into:
> >
> >  26/298 postgresql:recovery / recovery/019_replslot_limit
> >             ERROR            43.05s   exit status 2
> >  44/298 postgresql:recovery / recovery/027_stream_regress
> >             ERROR           383.08s   exit status 1
> >  50/298 postgresql:recovery / recovery/035_standby_logical_decoding
> >             ERROR           138.06s   exit status 25
> >  68/298 postgresql:recovery / recovery/040_standby_failover_slots_sync
> >              ERROR           132.87s   exit status 25
> > 170/298 postgresql:pg_dump / pg_dump/002_pg_dump
> >              ERROR            93.45s   exit status 2
> > 233/298 postgresql:bloom / bloom/001_wal
> >              ERROR            54.47s   exit status 2
> > 236/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/001_rep_changes
> >              ERROR            46.46s   exit status 2
> > 246/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/010_truncate
> >             ERROR            47.69s   exit status 2
> > 253/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/013_partition
> >              ERROR           125.63s   exit status 25
> > 255/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/022_twophase_cascade
> >             ERROR            58.13s   exit status 2
> > 257/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/015_stream
> >             ERROR           128.32s   exit status 2
> > 262/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/028_row_filter
> >             ERROR            43.14s   exit status 2
> > 263/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/027_nosuperuser
> >              ERROR           102.02s   exit status 2
> > 269/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/031_column_list
> >              ERROR           123.16s   exit status 2
> > 271/298 postgresql:subscription / subscription/032_subscribe_use_index
> >              ERROR           139.33s   exit status 2
> Hm, it'd be good to see some of errors behind that ([1]).
> I suspect it might be related to conflicting ports. I had to use
> PG_TEST_USE_UNIX_SOCKETS to avoid random tests from failing:
>           # use unix socket to prevent port conflicts
>           $env:PG_TEST_USE_UNIX_SOCKETS = 1;
>           # otherwise pg_regress insists on creating the directory and
> does it
>           # in a non-existing place, this needs to be fixed :(
>           mkdir d:/sockets
>           $env:PG_REGRESS_SOCK_DIR = "d:/sockets/"

No, it all seems to be fallout from GSSAPI being included in the build. If
I build without that, everything passes. Most of the tests are failing with
a "too many clients already" error, but a handful do seem to include auth
related errors as well. For example, this is from

> FWIW, building a tree with the patches I sent to the list last night and
> changes to make postgresql-dev.yml use a git checkout, I get:
> https://github.com/anarazel/winpgbuild/actions/runs/9852370209/job/27200784987#step:12:469
> Ok:                 281
> Expected Fail:      0
> Fail:               0
> Unexpected Pass:    0
> Skipped:            17
> Timeout:            0
> This is without readline and pltcl, as neither is currently built as part
> of
> winpgbuild. Otherwise it has all applicable dependencies enabled (no
> bonjour,
> bsd_auth, dtrace, llvm, pam, selinux, systemd, but that's afaict expected).
> Greetings,
> Andres Freund
> [1] I plan to submit a PR that'll collect the necessary information

Dave Page
pgAdmin: https://www.pgadmin.org
PostgreSQL: https://www.postgresql.org
EDB: https://www.enterprisedb.com

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