"Regina Obe" <l...@pcorp.us> writes:
> Sorry for not posting from the thread.  Paul alerted me to this one and I am 
> aware of the issue.

> 1) I do have fuzzstrmatch listed as a dependency in the control file.  I know 
> because I often install the geocoder with
> CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder CASCADE;
> And it installs postgis and fuzzystrmatch


> a) In this particular case, I have a function that uses fuzzystrmatch and is 
> used in functional indexes.
> I unfortunately can't schema qualify the use of soundex, because I don't know 
> where the user may have installed fuzzystrmatch is installed
> b) Stephen Frost had suggested, perhaps we should have some syntax like 
> @extension_loc(fuzzystrmatch)...@ so that one could reference an extension 
> dependency location within a function without knowing where it is installed.

You don't really need any new syntax for this particular case, I think.
You can declare the function in the extension like this:

create function ... set search_path from current;

which will cause it to absorb the search path that's set while running
the extension script, which should be what you want.

                        regards, tom lane

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