Hello Peter,

I think pg_dump/t/002_pg_dump.pl might be a good place.  Not the easiest
program in the world to work with, admittedly.

Updated patch with test and expanded documentation.

Patch v2 applies cleanly, compiles, make check-world ok with tap enabled. Doc gen ok.

The addition looks reasonable.

The second error message about conflicting option could more explicit than a terse "conflicting or redundant options"? The user may expect later options to superseedes earlier options, for instance.

About the pg_dump code, I'm wondering whether it is worth generating LOCALE as it breaks backward compatibility (eg dumping a new db to load it into a older version).

If it is to be generated, I'd do merge the two conditions instead of nesting.

  if (strlen(collate) > 0 && strcmp(collate, ctype) == 0)
    // generate LOCALE


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