On Mon, Apr 13, 2020 at 5:43 PM Alvaro Herrera <alvhe...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I guess I'm just saying that it feels brittle to have a file
> format that's supposed to be good for data exchange and then make it
> itself depend on representation details such as the order that fields
> appear in, the letter case, or the format of newlines.  Maybe this isn't
> really of concern, but it seemed strange.

I didn't want to use JSON for this at all, but I got outvoted. When I
raised this issue, it was suggested that I deal with it in this way,
so I did. I can't really defend it too far beyond that, although I do
think that one nice thing about this is that you can verify the
checksum using shell commands if you want. Just figure out the number
of lines in the file, minus one, and do head -n$LINES backup_manifest
| shasum -a256 and boom. If there were some whitespace-skipping thing
figuring out how to reproduce the checksum calculation would be hard.

> I think strict ISO 8601 might be preferable (with the T in the middle
> and ending in Z instead of " GMT").

Hmm, did David suggest that before? I don't recall for sure. I think
he had some suggestion, but I'm not sure if it was the same one.

> > > Why is the top-level checksum only allowed to be SHA-256, if the
> > > files can use up to SHA-512?
> Thanks for the discussion.  I think you mostly want to make sure that
> the manifest is sensible (not corrupt) rather than defend against
> somebody maliciously giving you an attacking manifest (??).  I incline
> to agree that any SHA-2 hash is going to serve that purpose and have no
> further comment to make.

The code has other sanity checks against the manifest failing to parse
properly, so you can't (I hope) crash it or anything even if you
falsify the checksum. But suppose that there is a gremlin running
around your system flipping occasional bits. If said gremlin flips a
bit in a "0" that appears in a file's checksum string, it could become
a "1", a "3", or a "7", all of which are still valid characters for a
hex string. When you then tried to verify the backup, verification for
that file would fail, but you'd think it was a problem with the file,
rather than a problem with the manifest. The manifest checksum
prevents that: you'll get a complaint about the manifest checksum
being wrong rather than a complaint about the file not matching the
manifest checksum. A sufficiently smart gremlin could figure out the
expected checksum for the revised manifest and flip bits to make the
actual value match the expected one, but I think we're worried about
"chaotic neutral" gremlins, not "lawful evil" ones.

That having been said, there was some discussion on the original
thread about keeping your backup on regular storage and your manifest
checksum in a concrete bunker at the bottom of the ocean; in that
scenario, it should be possible to detect tampering in either the
manifest itself or in non-WAL data files, as long as the adversary
can't break SHA-256. But I'm not sure how much we should really worry
about that. For me, the design center for this feature is a user who
untars base.tar and forgets about 43965.tar. If that person runs
pg_verifybackup, it's gonna tell them that things are broken, and
that's good enough for me. It may not be good enough for everybody,
but it's good enough for me.

I think I'm going to go ahed and push this now, maybe with a small
wording tweak as discussed upthread with Andrew. The rest of this
discussion is really about whether the patch needs any design changes
rather than about whether the documentation describes what the patch
does, so it makes sense to me to commit this first and then if
somebody wants to argue for a change they certainly can.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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