Gregory Stark wrote:
> "Hannu Krosing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What I was referring to, was a "code cleanup" of libpq several years
> > ago, when someone (maybe Bruce IIRC) removed ability to accept multiple
> > recordsets from backend altogether, on the basis that it is not used
> > anyway.
> You can still receive multiple record sets just fine using libpq. psql doesn't
> handle them but they're there. When I was doing the concurrent psql patch I
> also had it handling multiple record sets.
> Something else you may be thinking of, I don't think it's legal to do queries
> like "select 1 ; select 2" in the new protocol. That was legal in the old
> protocol.

I think the cool thing that Josh Berkus wants is

return query select a, b, c from foo;
return query select d, e, f from bar;

in a plpgsql function, and getting two result sets (I'm fuzzy about the
exact syntax but you get the idea).  Can this be done at all?  

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

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