Aidan Van Dyk wrote:
* Andrew Dunstan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [080401 08:22]:
From the "idle thoughts in the middle of the night" department:

I don't know if this has come up before exactly, but is it possible that we could get a performance gain from building multiple indexes from a single sequential pass over the base table? If so, that would probably give us a potential performance improvement in pg_restore quite apart from the projected improvement to be got from running several steps in parallel processes. The grammar might look a bit ugly, but I'm sure we could finesse that.

I've not looked at any of the code, but would the "synchronized scans"
heap machinery help the multiple index creations walk the heap together,
basically giving you this for free (as long as you start concurrent
index creation)?

Good question. Might it also help in that case to have pg_dump output indexes in a given schema sorted by <tablename, indexname> rather than just <indexname>?



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