Heikki Linnakangas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I still think it would be best if the patch authors did the work. They 
> are the ones who care about the patch and want the review, and they're 
> in the best position to know what the status of a patch is.

Unfortunately, a lot of submitters are way too optimistic about that ...

> it's bad because good patches from one-off submitters might fall through 
> the cracks.

Exactly.  Somebody (or preferably somebodies) has to accept the
responsibility of seeing to it that everything gets onto the commit-fest
page; requiring the authors to do it simply won't work reliably.  And
it'd be more work for them anyway --- consider an author who hasn't got
an account on our wiki and/or has never edited a wiki page before.
Somebody who does it every day will certainly be a lot faster.

This doesn't seem particularly hard, just a matter of following the
relevant mailing lists (mostly -patches, but various offenders send
patches elsewhere) and adding links to the current wiki page.

> That's where I'd love to have Bruce to help.

Bruce has made it perfectly clear that he doesn't want to take on any
added maintenance work.

                        regards, tom lane

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