> Here is what I hope is a consensus patch.  It adds 'A' to show all
> objects, including system ones.  It turns out that this is how 'S' works
> now in CVS, but 'S' is unclear because it suggests just system objects;
> 'A' for show 'all' objects seems clearer.

I think it's probably fine for "S" to mean "include system objects"
rather than "show only system objects".  Everyone should be relatively
used to "S" by now; I think it's less confusing to keep the same
letter even if the behavior has been adjusted somewhat.  Though others
may disagree?

(Although this met with some earlier opposition, mostly from Tom IIRC,
I still think it might be useful to have a setting to control which
types of system objects are displayed by default: the setting could be
interpreted as a list of characters X for which \dX would include
system objects even without S.  This would allow people who liked the
old behavior to mostly recreate it.)


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