>> Yeah...  I'm not sure what to do about that, but as Tom pointed out,
>> it has the disadvantage that all of these massive changes are getting
>> put into the tree just before we start beta.
> Well, it is less a problem than in previous releases, so things are
> getting better.

Well, that is good.

I wonder if it would be practical to have a "FeedbackFest" sometime
between now and the release of 8.4 - not to actually commit anything,
but to do preliminary reviews of patches for 8.5 while there's still
plenty of time for them to be revised and submitted earlier in the
cycle.  I would be willing to put in quite a bit of time to reviewing
other people's patches if it meant that someone knowledgeable would
take a quick look at mine.  (Unfortunately my current area of interest
is the optimizer, so the pool of sufficiently knowledgeable people is
pretty small.)

In any case, thanks for your thoughts on this subject - I appreciate
your taking the time to write back.


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