Josh Berkus wrote:

So, some feedback to make this decision more difficult:

Users: care about HS more than anything else in the world. I'm convinced that if we took a staw poll, 80% of our users would be in favor of waiting for HS. This one feature will make more of a difference in the number of PG users than any feature since the Windows port. Maybe more.

on the other hand:

We held back version 4 months 7.4 for Windows, before it became apparent that there was at least a year more work to do. That was a mistake, and in many ways HS seems like a similar case.

I can only confirm what Josh is saying here.
We would also assume that 80% have been waiting for Simon's work for years. In fact, I have been dealing fulltime with PostgreSQL since 1999 and it has been a missing issue since than. Now that we are so close to fixing this issue for so many people out there, we should give it all the attention we have and support Simon + team wherever we can. I think Simon has responded to all question is almost realtime. We should take that into consideration. Also, Simon is focuing on a very open development model - this naturally means a lot of mailing list traffic. Isn't this what this project is all about?

I am in favor of giving this patch a useful timeframe for completion.
If people decide to give this patch a chance, we will definitely agree on putting some significant manpower in here as well.
We are not the only ones who want to see that in.
We already see people saying that they delay migrations because they are hoping for readable slaves to go in. Also, in the past 10 years I have been tortured with "when can we have replication" each and every day ... I am fed up :). i cannot hear it anymore ("... but MySQL has replication" *aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh*).

   best regards,


Cybertec Schönig & Schönig GmbH
Professional PostgreSQL Consulting, Support, Training
Gröhrmühlgasse 26, A-2700 Wiener Neustadt

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