On Tue, 27 Jan 2009, Chad Sellers wrote:

I'll speak to this a bit (Josh is also a Tresys employee). I can't say who
my customers are, but I can speak to their needs. They really need row-level
mandatory access controls (so both).

From the perspective of what this would buy as far as this feature being a
PostgreSQL advocacy point, one of the questions Tom asked about a bit upthread is still a bit hazy here. There are commercial database offerings selling into the "trusted" space already. While the use-cases you describe make perfect sense, I don't think it's clear to everyone yet if there's a unique draw to a PostgreSQL + selinux solution that the class of customers you're talking about would prefer it to purchasing one of those products. Is the cost savings the main driver here, or is there something else about a secure LAPP stack that makes it particularly compelling?

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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