Ron Mayer <> writes:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> I think the best thing we could do overall is to set release dates and
>> stick to them.  

> On the other hand, we might be better throwing out release dates
> and releasing at the end of any Commit Fest where there is enough
> demand/interest.

> Then we could release 8.4 now, with few objections since people would
> know that if Hot Standby has enough demand it could be released within one
> commitfest of it being in good shape.

Huh?  The people who'd been working with the expectation of completing
their patch in the *next* fest would scream loud and long at having the
release schedule pulled out from under them.  Any development plan with
more than a two-month time horizon would turn into a game of schedule
russian roulette.  The only way this works without having a lot of
pissed-off developers is if we actually release a lot more often, which
is not going to fly.  We don't have the manpower to manage that, and
we don't have users that want it, either.  (They might like it better
if we had a better upgrade-in-place story, but ...)

                        regards, tom lane

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