On Wednesday 08 April 2009 21:56:38 Tom Lane wrote:
> > For my part, I'd like to know what things other than arrays
> > <collection_expression> in the standard applies to.  I think the most
> > sensible course is to make cardinality(array[]) behave consistently with
> > cardinality(other_stuff) when we get around to implementing it.
> There is no equivalent of multi-dimensional arrays in other kinds of
> collections, so I'm not seeing that there is any good guide there.

Here is my thinking, and considering that that would basically involve a 
forward-looking design decision right now, I would support dropping the 
cardinality() function from 8.4 (if people agree that this is in fact the 
design decision to make).

Collection types in SQL are arrays and multisets.  Multisets are essentially 
arrays without ordering.  Many people already use arrays like that, and I 
would find it interesting to support real multisets in the future.

Currently, we don't support collections of collections, specifically arrays of 
arrays.  We only have multidimensional arrays.  Multidimensional arrays in 
PostgreSQL and arrays of arrays in SQL are actually pretty close in the 
interface they present, except that the subscript order is reversed.  If you 
ignore that, the current cardinality() function gives you pretty much 
conforming behavior on "nested arrays", at least for the first level.

The question now is, if we want to move toward supporting multisets and 
arbitrary nested collections in the future, do we

1. Transform our view of a multidimensional array into nested arrays, and then 
extend that to allow multisets.  (The implementation could stay quite the 
same; just mark some dimensions as "this is a multiset".)  And then perhaps 
address the subscript ordering issue by some hitherto unknown plan.

- or -

2. Extend the system so you can have nested multidimensional arrays (e.g., a 
4x4 array containing 3x3 arrays), and then extend that to also allow nesting 
with a separate multiset structure (possibly also multidimensional).  I think 
this would probably make a mess out of the subscripting.

- or -


If you think (1) then the current implementation of cardinality() is correct, 
if you think (2) then Tom's proposed change is correct, if you think (3) the 
function should be removed.

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