On 06/03/2009 01:48 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:
I wondered for a second about symlinking .git from several checkout
directories to a common master, but AFAICT .git stores both the
"repository" and status information about the current checkout, so
that's not gonna work.
"git clone --reference" stores just a reference and does not copy the
It's not going to help in the long run because history accumulating on
the HEAD will be duplicated in your release branches.  This is not a
problem if you never merge stuff into them, but I don't know how much
(recent) history browsing you want to do from your release checkouts.
As the referenced repository would be a mirror from the "official" repository it should contain most of what is contained in the release checkouts - so repacking the release checkouts should remove duplicate objects, right? The work on the release branches would hopefully get pushed to the official repository so I don't see a long term problem of duplicate objects.

I haven't really looked at the repack code, so I may be completely off...


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