We currently require that you set client_encoding correctly, or you get garbage in psql and any other tool using libpq. How about setting client_encoding automatically to match the client's locale? We have pg_get_encoding_from_locale() function that we can use to extract the encoding from LC_CTYPE. We could call that in libpq.

client_encoding defaults to server_encoding, which is correct in the typical environment where the client and the server have identical locale settings, which I believe is why we don't see more confused users on mailing lists. However, a partner of ours was recently bitten by this. That was on Windows; I'm not 100% sure if LC_CTYPE is set correctly there by default, but this seems like a good idea nevertheless.

We could expand that to datestyle and the user-settable lc_* settings, but I don't want to go that far. In case the server lc_ctype/collate settings don't match the client's locale, you would end up with mixed lc_* settings which might be more confusing than helpful.

  Heikki Linnakangas
  EnterpriseDB   http://www.enterprisedb.com

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