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> We also very occasionally step in and make a decision if -hackers (or
> another group) is deadlocked over an issue. For example, the whole   
> 'change the name' debate.

I wouldn't really hold that up as a shining example of a core decision. :)
Heck, I still can't understand it - the majority of core is decidely
for changing the name back to "Postgres" (some adamantly so), but somehow
as a committee they manage to reach the opposite conclusion?

Time to start lobbying for the name change again I suppose. As Bruce said
two years ago in August 2007:

What I think we will find in two years it that many
will wish we had made the change pre-8.3 because in
two years we will be even more entrenched than we are now.

The bottom line is that the pronunciation/marketing problem with the
name "PostgreSQL" is not going to change --- it is only going to get

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane g...@turnstep.com
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200909102043


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