On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, Josh Berkus wrote:

I think that this was the original idea but we should probably rollback
the error logging if the command has been rolled back. It might be more
consistent to use the same hi_options as the copy command. Any idea what
would be best?

Well, if we're logging to a file, you wouldn't be *able* to roll them
back.  Also, presumbly, if you abort a COPY because of errors, you
probably want to keep the errors around for later analysis.  No?

Absolutely, that's the whole point of logging to a file in the first place. What needs to happen here is that when one is aborted, you need to make sure that fact is logged, and with enough information (the pid?) to tie it to the COPY that failed. Then someone can crawl the logs to figure out what happened and what data did and didn't get loaded. Ideally you'd want to have that as database table information instead, to allow automated recovery and re-commit in the cases where the error wasn't inherent in the data but instead some other type of database failure.

I know this patch is attracting more reviewers lately, is anyone tracking the general architecture of the code yet? Emmanuel's work is tough to review just because there's so many things mixed together, and there's other inputs I think should be considered at the same time while we're all testing in there (such as the COPY patch Andrew Dunstan put together).

What I'd like to see is for everything to get broken more into component chunks that can get commited and provide something useful one at a time, because I doubt taskmaster Robert is going to let this one linger around with scope creep for too long before being pushed out to the next CommitFest. It would be nice to have a clear game plan that involves the obvious 3 smaller subpatches that can be commited one at a time as they're ready to focus the work on, so that something might be polished enough for this CF. And, yes, I'm suggesting work only because I now have some time to help with that if the idea seems reasonable to persue. Be glad to set up a public git repo or something to serve as an integration point for dependency merge management and testing that resists bit-rot while splitting things up functionally.

* Greg Smith gsm...@gregsmith.com http://www.gregsmith.com Baltimore, MD

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