2009/11/3 Andrew Dunstan <and...@dunslane.net>:
> Robert Haas wrote:
>> We had a discussion back in July about our maintenance policy and the
>> upshot of that discussion was that there were relatively few
>> objections to dropping support for 7.4 - I believe Andrew Dunstan was
>> the only one who spoke against it, and it wasn't clear how strenuous
>> his objections were - but there were objections even to setting an
>> end-of-life date for any subsequent release.  However, we never really
>> took any action based on that conversation.  Maybe it's time?
> I don't object to EOLing 7.4, although I have a certain nostalgia for it ... 
> it's the first release that contains anything of mine in it ;-)
> What I want is a proper process for declaring an EOL, though. In particular, 
> we should announce it loudly and well in advance (by which I mean several 
> months). The PR team should swing into action with a press release along the 
> lines of "PostgreSQL release version n.n. will reach the end of its 
> maintenance life on yyyy-mm-dd. No patches of any kind will be made after 
> that date. Users of this version are advised to start planning now to upgrade 
> to a more modern version."

Didn't we discuss EOLing based on <number of previous versions>? As in
if we now announced that 7.4 would EOL when we release 8.5?

(Though based on previous track record, that means it really should've
been EOLed when we released 8.4, I guess)

>> We are also very close to six years from the original release, if
>> that's a magic number for anyone.
> Actually, I think it's a pretty good lifetime for a release. Many users don't 
> want to migrate as soon as a new version comes out, they want to let it 
> settle down. And they also don't want to have to go through the pain of 
> migrating more than once every few years - five would be a good number here. 
> (This has nothing to do with whether or not we have in place upgrade. It's 
> more to do with the effort involved in revalidating a large application 
> against a new release.) So allowing for those two things, six years is an 
> excellent lifetime. And 7.4 has been pretty darn robust, it should be noted.

Yeah, if one version has to stick around for a long time, 7.4 was a
good choice for it :-)

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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